Monday, May 22, 2006

The Madness Continues...

Well, we just got back in the wee hours of Sunday morning - about 1:30am MNT time from our week long trip to TX to visit my family & make some preparations for our move. Needless to say - nothing went as planned. We arrived the day before Mother's Day & that was fine & dandy. However - after seeing my best friend & her family (they blessed their new baby that day - Baby Austin) we proceded to go home & get sick. Yes- Brian & I got sick & later int he day Nate joined us. The short of it - we got preisthood blessing & by the end of day Monday were doing much better. We did some scouting out of the TSTC campus & housing while we were there. Brian also did some testing that was required before he could start classes this fall. We also were slapped with the reality that we had forgotten to budget for books, his tools, & out-of state tuition (we forgot that little detail). Still though- we do have a good bit of cash socked away for the move & school we figure between first semester, hosuing costs to pay our deposit & get everything hooked-up, & the move it will probably cost somewhere in the ballpark of $5-6 thousand. We have about $3. SIGH!

Meanwhile- we have to packup, I have to step it up a notch to meet my business goals since that will be some of our bread & water while there. Brian also has to get the paperwork going for the GI bill & finiancial aid! UGHHHH!

Anyhow -

More to come!


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