Monday, May 11, 2009

I get such a kick out of my kiddos...

everyday is something new with them. I new know what the day will hold for us as we discover new things together. Here are some exaples of the latest things we have explored together.

Nate is a fan of the PBS show - Sid, the Science Kid and a couple times in the last few months they have shown a show all about levers. A couple of night ago as we sat down to dinner Nate called to me - Look, mommy, it's a lever" as I turned around - sure enough - he had made this own lever perched by perching his fork on the rim of his plate. It just dumbfounded me. Earlier today then - he called to me to see his latest lever - a tower of legos perched over another tower of legos. What a smarty pants!

Rachel has FINALLY gotten over her fear of the slide at the park yesterday (Mother's Day). She recieved some sweet encouragement from a grandmother there & the rest is history - she spent the rest of our time at the park gleefully climbing the steps to the slide, sliding down, & repeating the process over & over.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training

I have now entered the world of potty training; somehow I thought it might be more gratifying. I am surrounded these days by bottomless children, panies & underwear, air fresher, & mountains of laundry. Still, this is a sign of brighter days where no one in the house will wear a diaper and we shall be doing our part to help planet earth. Meanwhile - my sanity has gone out the window as my ds didn't realize he needed to put the seat up on the potty to go pee (for heavens sake, why was it down?). Did I mention the fights over m&m's - the deemed reward for going potty in the potty?