Between pregnancy, chasing a active little almost 20 month old, trying to enjoy the holiday season there is little time for much else and yet wekeep trying to squeeze more in.
Brian will soon be out of school for the holiday season (last day - the 15th & won't go back till the 8th) & we have some ambitious plans during that time for various fun activites as well as necessary preparations for the arrival of this baby girl. Brian keeps doing wonderfully in school & scored 100 on another test today. He plans to spend most of his coming weekend - when not working - studing for exams - which are next week.
We just met with a doula-in-training tonight & she is going to help us with the birth of this baby for FREE & I am THRILLED about that. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant & there is no such thing as comfortable anymore. We are pretty sure now that we will call baby girl - Rachel Leigh. Last night we also toured the L&D floor of the hospital where I will be delivering - soooo exciting. At least Brian knows where to go now.
Nate has now learned to say "yard" & we are working on him mastering the art of saying "grandpa" & "grandma" so he can show off to the grandparents locally at Christmas & the ones out-of-state when they come to visit when the new baby arrives. He has also been sleeping in a big boy bed now for almost 3 weeks now & is doing a GREAT job of staying in there all night. We are really proud of him.
Hope you enjoyed!
The Hansons
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Can I make my fustration anymore clear? I will NEVER again get a cell phone for anything other than an emergency. Let's just say my experience with cell phones has been less than plesant. Let's say overcharged. Lousy customer service. And bad reception in areas that "supposedly" have coverage.
With that said - I am currently stuck in a stupid 2 year contract with Sprint that will cost $200 per line to cancel early. Is it just me or is that a tad absurd?
Anyhow - sorry for the rant.
Just had to get that out!
With that said - I am currently stuck in a stupid 2 year contract with Sprint that will cost $200 per line to cancel early. Is it just me or is that a tad absurd?
Anyhow - sorry for the rant.
Just had to get that out!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Does this really work?

Yeah! It did! This is my first time sucessfully uploading pics to my blog. This is a pic of my & my "little man" Nate in June at a "water park" in St. George before our move. The was a couple of weeks before I learned I was expecting again & though you can't tell - I was skinny then!
I will try to upload some Halloween pics later!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
A new adventure
I am now classifying myself as a homeschooling mommy. I know - I must be crazy, but I have already started Nate on a program that is prepatory to introducing him to reading as it introduces the alphabet, shapes, colors, & specific themes. I am really having fun with this & I think Nate is too. (I think I spelt all that right - maybe I need to work on my spelling)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Did we tell ya we're in TX now...?
We are. Hehehe! Life is crazy & tough, but overall good so here's the lowdown:
Brian - keeps quite busy with 16 credit hours plus working about 25 hrs a week at a nearby Pizza Hut as a delivery guy. Meanwhile he puts up with the demands of a tired, cranky, & expectant wife & son. He has made some friends at school though & low & behold - he "hangs" with the guys sometimes!
Sally- is waddling about very pregnant with a little GIRL - yes - a girl! YIPEE! She spends her days chasing Nate, whining about pregnancy, & trying to find at least some small part-time job until the baby comes. She is very happy to be nearby her family once more though they still tend to drive her a tad crazy. She is quite nervous about this upcoming birth mainly due to the fact that it will be at the same hospital where Brian Jacob - our first & stillborn son was delivered so she is working on squelching those fears.
Nate - is now 18 months as of Monday & just a bundle of joy & energy. We keep talking to him about but baby coming but he seems to have no clue as to what that all means. He now "meows", "clucks", tries to say crackers & books, lives to play in water, chase kitties at grandma's & play with cousin Cassie. He is also getting accustomed to nursery & for the most part really likes it.
Baby girl- is driving momma nuts with her antics in the womb but we are sure she knows we are just thrilled to know she is coming & can't wait to meet her.
That's all for now!
The Hanson Clan
Brian - keeps quite busy with 16 credit hours plus working about 25 hrs a week at a nearby Pizza Hut as a delivery guy. Meanwhile he puts up with the demands of a tired, cranky, & expectant wife & son. He has made some friends at school though & low & behold - he "hangs" with the guys sometimes!
Sally- is waddling about very pregnant with a little GIRL - yes - a girl! YIPEE! She spends her days chasing Nate, whining about pregnancy, & trying to find at least some small part-time job until the baby comes. She is very happy to be nearby her family once more though they still tend to drive her a tad crazy. She is quite nervous about this upcoming birth mainly due to the fact that it will be at the same hospital where Brian Jacob - our first & stillborn son was delivered so she is working on squelching those fears.
Nate - is now 18 months as of Monday & just a bundle of joy & energy. We keep talking to him about but baby coming but he seems to have no clue as to what that all means. He now "meows", "clucks", tries to say crackers & books, lives to play in water, chase kitties at grandma's & play with cousin Cassie. He is also getting accustomed to nursery & for the most part really likes it.
Baby girl- is driving momma nuts with her antics in the womb but we are sure she knows we are just thrilled to know she is coming & can't wait to meet her.
That's all for now!
The Hanson Clan
Monday, May 22, 2006
The Madness Continues...
Well, we just got back in the wee hours of Sunday morning - about 1:30am MNT time from our week long trip to TX to visit my family & make some preparations for our move. Needless to say - nothing went as planned. We arrived the day before Mother's Day & that was fine & dandy. However - after seeing my best friend & her family (they blessed their new baby that day - Baby Austin) we proceded to go home & get sick. Yes- Brian & I got sick & later int he day Nate joined us. The short of it - we got preisthood blessing & by the end of day Monday were doing much better. We did some scouting out of the TSTC campus & housing while we were there. Brian also did some testing that was required before he could start classes this fall. We also were slapped with the reality that we had forgotten to budget for books, his tools, & out-of state tuition (we forgot that little detail). Still though- we do have a good bit of cash socked away for the move & school we figure between first semester, hosuing costs to pay our deposit & get everything hooked-up, & the move it will probably cost somewhere in the ballpark of $5-6 thousand. We have about $3. SIGH!
Meanwhile- we have to packup, I have to step it up a notch to meet my business goals since that will be some of our bread & water while there. Brian also has to get the paperwork going for the GI bill & finiancial aid! UGHHHH!
Anyhow -
More to come!
Meanwhile- we have to packup, I have to step it up a notch to meet my business goals since that will be some of our bread & water while there. Brian also has to get the paperwork going for the GI bill & finiancial aid! UGHHHH!
Anyhow -
More to come!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
As we speak..
Brian is busing snoring away as is Nate. I should be sleeping too but I am trying to figure out the logistics of uploading pics from our digital camer to the computer so I can share them. For some unknown reason it says there are no pics on our memory card when I know for a fact that it is full. I am also distressed because we seem to be missing a memory card which pics I am not sure I have uploaded.
Anyhow - these past few weeks have been crazy. We rang in April with a bang on the 8th with a b-day party in honor of all of our b-days since Brian, Nate, & I all do have April b-days. Many of Brian's family came for the occassion which made it quite special. Also- on the 6th - just a few days earlier while in the care of Grandam & Grandpa Hanson - Nate took his first steps. He loves to walk most anywhere now & does it quite well.
We also took a trip to SLC area this weekend to be with family & also for me to spend this past Friday night with some online friends! We had a great time but are glad to be back home!
Meanwhile we are getting excited about our summer coming up. Brian is going on a camping trip with his brother Rick, & his best friend, Jacob the second week in May while Rick's wife (Angell) & their kiddos hang out with me & Nate. The 2nd Sat. in May we plan to leave to fly to Waco from Vegas for a week visit with my family in preparation for our move there & Brian going back to school!
Well, that's all for now!
I better get some shut-eye as Nate is normally up by 6am lately!
Anyhow - these past few weeks have been crazy. We rang in April with a bang on the 8th with a b-day party in honor of all of our b-days since Brian, Nate, & I all do have April b-days. Many of Brian's family came for the occassion which made it quite special. Also- on the 6th - just a few days earlier while in the care of Grandam & Grandpa Hanson - Nate took his first steps. He loves to walk most anywhere now & does it quite well.
We also took a trip to SLC area this weekend to be with family & also for me to spend this past Friday night with some online friends! We had a great time but are glad to be back home!
Meanwhile we are getting excited about our summer coming up. Brian is going on a camping trip with his brother Rick, & his best friend, Jacob the second week in May while Rick's wife (Angell) & their kiddos hang out with me & Nate. The 2nd Sat. in May we plan to leave to fly to Waco from Vegas for a week visit with my family in preparation for our move there & Brian going back to school!
Well, that's all for now!
I better get some shut-eye as Nate is normally up by 6am lately!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Mommy in Denial
As the weeks have flown by this new year I am discovering that suddenly - my baby- will soon be celebrating his 1st birthday. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am not sure I am ready for such a milestone! Sure enough though - it will come & go. He is continually amazing Brian & I by his antics, brainyness (is that a word?), & his overall sweetness. No - it doesn't get much better than this.
Signing off for now -
Mommy to her soon-to-be 1 yr old
Signing off for now -
Mommy to her soon-to-be 1 yr old
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Random Ramblings of a Wife & Mother
So- as my world would have it - my hubby is better (he had a cold) & now Nate & I are sick. Nonetheless - fullspeed ahead. I have a block party to make happen, MK parties to hostess coach & hold, a baby to help teach the joys of a sippy cup to, & a dear hubby to get a date night with. Not to mention the fact that just is just a few of the things on my to-do list. And that is not counting the millions of to-do's running around in my head orthe fact that I actucally expect myself to be supermom/superwife. No - I think I have finally given up on that ideal. No - I think more importantly I will just try to please a loving Heavenly Father & me. If I just try my best there - I think the rest will fall into place somehow & even though I am a demanding wife & inpatient mom - maybe the sweet men in my life will still love me somehow. Yes- actucally- I think they do. Wow - can any woman be more blessed than that?
Signing off for not till our puter is up & running again at home -
Signing off for not till our puter is up & running again at home -
Monday, March 06, 2006
Daycare Drama
Sooo- to save up some extra money for our move & school - we have decided that I will work at a nearby daycare - within walking distance. Today was my first day training & I spend a little over 4 hrs there. The work was pretty easy though a tad draining at times. However - the hard part was leaving Nate in the baby room. I knew he would not be happy & I felt outta sorts without him underfoot or demanding my attention. As much as I know he did cry I still think it was harder on me than him.
We survived however & had a joyful reunion at the end of my training.
We survived however & had a joyful reunion at the end of my training.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Can life get any crazier?
Let's see - okay - so I know I have it way easier than so many others but I am going insane. A lot of it is my own dang fault but I kinda like insane since it keeps me from battling my depression. Sooooo- I am building my own businesss as a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultan & truly having such fun doing so, Nate just had tubes put in his ears & will be 1 soon, Brian is a workaholic some weeks it seems & getting stuff around so he can go to school this fall, we are preparing for a move near the end of the summer, & we are both busy with church callings - (we are ward missionaries & I am also on the enrichment committee).
Time for fun? What's that? We are making it a goal to have date night once a month & now we just have to make time to accomplish some other family resolutions which will help us have some more down time & quality family time!
I just love being busy - really I do!
Time for fun? What's that? We are making it a goal to have date night once a month & now we just have to make time to accomplish some other family resolutions which will help us have some more down time & quality family time!
I just love being busy - really I do!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I just love great deals
My dear friend Jennifer just hooked me up with a car seat for Nate. It is one of those high dollar suckers too- a Britax - I think that's how ya spell it! Anyhow - she needed to find a home for it. HSe was gonna give it to me but considering how those things cost over $200 & we would have had to pay at least $70 or more for a car seat I told her I had to give her something fo rit so we settled on $30 bucks! Is that awesome or what?
Jenn - if you're reading this - you rock!
Jenn - if you're reading this - you rock!
So I was stressing for nothing...
Nate's surgery went off without a hitch even though I didn't go to bed till nearly 2:30 am. I am sad I didn't bring my camera. They had us put him in a cute gown with tigers that are sleepy on it. They also had cute little slipper socks for his feet.
I was practically in tears as I handed him off to the nurses. Those few measly minutes of surgery dragged on forever as we waited & I was really ancy. Brian just laughed. When they finally called us back to the recovery room & rolled him in I was near tears again. I shed a few as he fussed & I picked him up to comfort him.
He's fine though - now mom just has to recover from it all!
I was practically in tears as I handed him off to the nurses. Those few measly minutes of surgery dragged on forever as we waited & I was really ancy. Brian just laughed. When they finally called us back to the recovery room & rolled him in I was near tears again. I shed a few as he fussed & I picked him up to comfort him.
He's fine though - now mom just has to recover from it all!
Still can't sleep....
But I guess I should try since I do have to be up again in just a few hours. Sigh. My brain just won't shutdown either.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Can't sleep
I am so nervus about this whole surgery thing though I know it is really a minor procedure. Sooo...I am still wide awake.
Hope someone is getting some sleep!
Hope someone is getting some sleep!
Go figure...
I was sooo happily relieved when I was recently called to be on the enrichment committee. I was so afraid since I had head form the ward secretary that he thought the bishop wanted to meet with me about something RS related & I was sooooo afraid I was gonna be called as a teacher.
Well- it's all backfired. I got a phone call late tonight from one of the new RS counselors & she asked me to teach a lesson later in March. I nearly DIED!
Oh well- what could I say.
I said yes.
Well- it's all backfired. I got a phone call late tonight from one of the new RS counselors & she asked me to teach a lesson later in March. I nearly DIED!
Oh well- what could I say.
I said yes.
Nate told me ...
what he wanted for his b-day! What a smart little guy! I am starting to do some b-day shopping now since I know what he wants but I thought some of you might like to know as well.
He wants:
*Laugh & Learn Puppy - Fisher Price toy
*Baby Einstein dvds - so he can get smarter by watching movies & mom can get a break occassionally!
*Clothes - esp for church - anything though for 12- 24 months
*Baby wipes
*Big boy carseat
He is getting excited (okay - so maybe mommy is excited about having a big b-day bash for his 1st b-day with his family & friends!) Still gotta figure out a good theme though since it is also for Brian & I since our b-days are also in April.
How much more fun can we handle?
He wants:
*Laugh & Learn Puppy - Fisher Price toy
*Baby Einstein dvds - so he can get smarter by watching movies & mom can get a break occassionally!
*Clothes - esp for church - anything though for 12- 24 months
*Baby wipes
*Big boy carseat
He is getting excited (okay - so maybe mommy is excited about having a big b-day bash for his 1st b-day with his family & friends!) Still gotta figure out a good theme though since it is also for Brian & I since our b-days are also in April.
How much more fun can we handle?
Quotes from prophets, general authorities, & other church leaders
Here are just a few of my favorite quotes from prophets & other church leaders - Feel free to share some of your own favorites!
* "The primary reason for the commandment to avoid criticism is to preserve the spiritual well-being of the critizer, not to protect the person who is critized."
-Elder Dallin H. Oaks
* "Obedience is the means of progress, advancement, growth, and development."
-Elder James E. Talmage
* "May we not conclude that obedience, in and of itself, is a source of power...? Man can achieve naught of excellence in matters material or spiritual except through the exercise, the utilization, of that supreme form of energy, obedience."
-Elder James E. Talmage
* "Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you but what happens inside of you."
- Harold B. Lee
"Could we, should we ever demean ourselves and lose confidence when we consider the price our Savior has paid in our behalf and when we know we are offspring of God?"
-Ardeth G. Kapp
Former Young Women's General President in her book "Better Than You Think You Are"
In times when fear and despair seem to prevail, when humanity is feverish with no worldly physicians in sight, I... say, "Trust Jesus." Let him still the tempest... Believe that he can lift mankind from its bed of affliction, in time and in eternity.—Elder Jeffery R. Holland Ensign, November 1993
"I have learned through experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not our circumstances. " Gordon B. Hinkley
Selflessness is a key to happiness and effectiveness; it is precious and must be preserved as a virtue which guarantees so many other virtues.
—Spencer W. Kimball, Ensign, Nov. 1978
"There is no great or majestic music which constantly produces the harmony of a great love. The most perfect music is a welding of two voices into one spiritual solo. Marriage is the way provided by God for the fulfillment of the greatest of human needs, based upon mutual respect, maturity, selflessness, decency, commitment, and honesty. Happiness in marriage and parenthood can exceed a thousand times any other happiness."
-James E. Faust
* "The primary reason for the commandment to avoid criticism is to preserve the spiritual well-being of the critizer, not to protect the person who is critized."
-Elder Dallin H. Oaks
* "Obedience is the means of progress, advancement, growth, and development."
-Elder James E. Talmage
* "May we not conclude that obedience, in and of itself, is a source of power...? Man can achieve naught of excellence in matters material or spiritual except through the exercise, the utilization, of that supreme form of energy, obedience."
-Elder James E. Talmage
* "Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you but what happens inside of you."
- Harold B. Lee
"Could we, should we ever demean ourselves and lose confidence when we consider the price our Savior has paid in our behalf and when we know we are offspring of God?"
-Ardeth G. Kapp
Former Young Women's General President in her book "Better Than You Think You Are"
In times when fear and despair seem to prevail, when humanity is feverish with no worldly physicians in sight, I... say, "Trust Jesus." Let him still the tempest... Believe that he can lift mankind from its bed of affliction, in time and in eternity.—Elder Jeffery R. Holland Ensign, November 1993
"I have learned through experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not our circumstances. " Gordon B. Hinkley
Selflessness is a key to happiness and effectiveness; it is precious and must be preserved as a virtue which guarantees so many other virtues.
—Spencer W. Kimball, Ensign, Nov. 1978
"There is no great or majestic music which constantly produces the harmony of a great love. The most perfect music is a welding of two voices into one spiritual solo. Marriage is the way provided by God for the fulfillment of the greatest of human needs, based upon mutual respect, maturity, selflessness, decency, commitment, and honesty. Happiness in marriage and parenthood can exceed a thousand times any other happiness."
-James E. Faust
Sooo excited !
My MK director just told me that one of the gals she interviewd for me wants to become a consultant! She just wants to wait till her divorce is final - which should be in a few weeks. I am soo excited! She'll be my first team member!
Just had to share!
Just had to share!
Inventions needed
As a mom of a now nearly one year old little boy I have realized that we haven't mastered the art of inventing as a society. For instance - we need boy & girl diapers. If you haven't already noticed - as my mom & I were discussing last night - when boys wet - it's all in the middle - so you have like 10 lbs of pee right in the center of the diaper. Girls , however, wet from front to back.
We also need shopping carts with brakes. Ever tired to put the groceries or your little one in the cart & everytime you turn the cart has managed to run away even more. I was dealing with this very dilemma today while running errands in town! ARGHHHHHH! What I wouldn't give for a brake on that darn cart!
Sooooo...let's get's inventing!
We also need shopping carts with brakes. Ever tired to put the groceries or your little one in the cart & everytime you turn the cart has managed to run away even more. I was dealing with this very dilemma today while running errands in town! ARGHHHHHH! What I wouldn't give for a brake on that darn cart!
Sooooo...let's get's inventing!
Life's latest joys
Well, we had a nice weekend this past weekend - Brian & I actucally went on a date! We went out to Ruby Tuesday's Sat. night & had dinner together! We stuffed ourselves silly! It was the first time we'd ever been there & we tried their cheese fries! I was in heaven!
This week brings another joy (NOT!) - Nate is having tubes put in his ears Wed. morning. We know it's for the best butI am anxious for it too all be over. Not too keen on the idea od my baby being under anestheia (sp?) & under the knife.
oh well!
We shall let ya'll know how that goes!
This week brings another joy (NOT!) - Nate is having tubes put in his ears Wed. morning. We know it's for the best butI am anxious for it too all be over. Not too keen on the idea od my baby being under anestheia (sp?) & under the knife.
oh well!
We shall let ya'll know how that goes!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Welcome All !
Welcome All !
In effor to make it easier for those who want to keep intouch with us & for some reason or another can't access our MSN group I have created this blog. I shall try my best to update weekly. Hopefully - this will be easier for all to access!
In effor to make it easier for those who want to keep intouch with us & for some reason or another can't access our MSN group I have created this blog. I shall try my best to update weekly. Hopefully - this will be easier for all to access!
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